Sunday, October 21, 2012


Sunday is the best day of the week.  With Shawn's work schedule, it is the only day we get with him and we surely take advantage of it.  We take Maya out for walks while the kids ride around on their bikes, and the weather right now is amazing...not to say how B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L it is outside.  I love this picture of Mayci admiring her head-high friend:)

Makin' cookies with dad is way more fun than with mom!  I think I have taken my mom's approach to the kitchen while I was growing up...'GET OUT!'  I try to let them help but Ill admit its difficult:)  Dad lets them up on the counter, while they dip their fingers in at every stop of the blender.  We will let dad teach the culinary life-skills:)

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