Thursday, August 08, 2013


Best part about summer time are these!
Evening summer storms.
Took a moment to enjoy this one from my backyard:)

Love spending time with this dream.
Lucky to call her my friend!

Cousin time is always fun times!
These two are gonna be some serious trouble!
HeARt BrEaKeRs!!!!


The summer is coming to a close...and to be honest...Im ready :)
But let me also say it has been an amazing and adventurous summer.
I had a really bad attitude just before school got out and felt defeated before summer even began.  Trying to imagine what I was going to do with all the little ones ALL DAY LONG was a bit overwhelming.
once we got into a rhythm...
and once I tweaked my attitude a bit :) ...
it all worked out so well.

My attitude changed quickly when it dawned on me (in the very first week of summer-so grateful) that this could potentially be one of the last (not saying last yet:) summers I am able to cruise with NO schedule.
I see...once kids get older...schedules take over...and "taxi mom" begins.
And as I was toting all my gear with all the little ones into the pool this thought truly hit me like a hammer (gratefully)!
I embraced this summer with both arms.
To be able to pack up all the kids, enter the pool with all the kids, and stay as long as my little heart desired on any given day with all the kids...I know is short lived.
And I get that:)

Isn't it always all about your attitude!

I found, also, to take care of myself too.
Doesn't ALWAYS have to be ALL about the kids.
While I made sure the kids had friends and cousins at every outing,
I also made sure I was in good company too.
Definitely makes a huge difference.
And it really is the only way to go if you end up spending 6 solid hours at a water park!
Its been amazing.
A summer full of laughter.
And water!

And on those 'catch-up days' that you have to sneak in between all the water fun to do a few loads of laundry,
maybe clean a toilet...
 the kids would play catch up at home with all their friends.
And boy did I luck out with that!  We couldn't live by better neighbors and friends...
For me!
And for the kids :)

So, to next summer...
Remember your attitude.
Embrace moments.
Surround yourself with good company.
Stay busy.
And wet:)

1 comment:

Auntie Elaine said...

What a wise woman you are my dear - YES it truly is about ATTITUDE and you've got a GREAT one!! Love you!