This little kid had a wonderful Christmas (as did all of us!!!) and can sit by his railroad track all day long. I think the best part about Evan's Holiday season was the time he was able to spend with relatives on both sides of the family. He kept everyone laughing and had 3 nights in a row going to bed around midnight. This is a funny picture taken when we ate In n' Out. He was begging for his milkshake but we told him he couldn't have it until he ate his food. The picture says it all. He pushed his fries off his plate and said "I finished my fries, can I have my milkshake." We look over and see what he did and can't help but laugh our head off and give in to his request. Could any of you tell that face No? Didn't think so. We thoroughly enjoyed that moment as did Raegan.
He really is the funniest kid ever!! We love him soooo much! Glad we got to see you guys and hang out for a bit. Love you!!
he is the best, as you all are. when the holidays are over i am coming out. curtis is leaving today so life will be a little more normal. whatever that is. love you guys. mom
don't know why it says curtis. that's weird. oh well, um mom arden
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