Wednesday, May 30, 2012

31 years young!!!


Farrah gets mad at me when I publicly mention her striking looks and rockin' style so I won't do that or shouldn't at least.  Sorry Farrah... seriously, she is the most BEAUTIFUL woman in the world.  (oh yeah, this new hairdo is my favorite!!) Best part about that is...she's ALL mine.  Farrah is the greatest friend, mother, sister, wife you could ever imagine.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for being a part of our life.  May you have the greatest birthday ever.  You definitely deserve it.  Here's to many more crazy hairstyles and fabulous birthdays together as a family!!!  Love you...Happy Birthday Farrah    


Laci said...

Totally agree 100%!!! And I'm glad Shawn is embracing the crazy hair stuff cause I think it runs in her blood!!! So glad she's favorite sis-in-law EVER!!!!! Love you're the best!!

Staci said...

Shawn is so right! Farrah you rock and I love the hair. You are one of those beautiful people who can pull off all hair styles and even would look great bald! Happy Birthday!

Crazy Lifferths said...

She is one hot mama!! Hall birthday Farrs and thanks for putting up with my brother!! Xoxoxo

Crazy Lifferths said...

She is one hot mama!! Hall birthday Farrs and thanks for putting up with my brother!! Xoxoxo

kahili and brooke said...

Happy Birthday Farrah! I love that Shawn hijacks your blog and writes sometimes! :)