We'll be fine. I promise. I'm blessed knowing that you are running and breathing better than ever right now. I will miss my jogging partner through the hills. No hill was too steep nor snow too deep...you would follow. I will miss your constant devotion to doing whatever just to be by my side. No one could deter you from that. Sometimes I would leave a room full of people knowing you would get right up and follow me without ever being called. Made me proud and I admit I felt like a King!!! I could run through the hills, walk downtown or run on a crowded beach full of dogs and you never even needed a leash. You would not leave my side nor ignore my calls. Even those two other dog owners at the vet yesterday were amazed at your obedience to your last breath. I know you came to me and layed your head in my lap while they were poking you with needles wanting me to make it stop and in the end I did do that. Out of my love and total devotion to you. I knew you would be better. I brought you home yesterday after the diagnosis thinking I could have the weekend and a few nights by your side, but watching you last night was too hard. I needed to make you better just as you did me when I was in pain so many years ago. Last night wasn't a time for me to be selfish. The pain and heavy breathing are gone. I'm happy to know you will be close to our stomping grounds and family.
I love you Girl!!!