Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A first in many things...

This might be our first family photo since increasing our family from 5 member to six:)
I thought it was an appropriate occasion to do so...
we even got 2 pics!

I love Raegan in the front and center.
It was her big day.

This was the first time ever taking a child in for their own special photo shoot.
Again, thought the occasion was fitting for a little 'Raegan' time...all by herself.

(except for when Rae was about 5 months old, but since then, nada)

I love this picture.  It showed the amazing dress grandma Trudy made with her own 2 hands.
It reminds me of my wedding dress.

Those eyelashes did not come from me!  Lucky lucky lady.
She is so beautiful...leaves me speechless.

This was towards the end of the photo session, and anybody that knows Raegan knows, this special little spotlight session is so far outside of her comfort zone.  She did so good, but it was hilarious to watch the photographer and her helper get Rae to do anything crazy.
In this shot they tried with all their might to get her to jump for joy and be crazy and yell and scream.
is as crazy as she got.
I love it.

I love her profile.
She looks so old.


Raegan had her 8th birthday this month.
It was the first baptism in our family.
And it was beautiful.
We made it a really big deal here in our home, and her birthday took up pretty much a whole weeks worth of celebrations...but it was so worth it.
I know she felt special.
And for that, I am grateful, because she truly is.
As I thought about what I might say about Raegan if my bishop were to call upon me during her baptism,
this is what I had in mind:

I don't know where to begin.
As I thought of what I might say on this special day, I was overwhelmed with emotion and many many thoughts.
You were my first born,
and with the responsibility of a first born,
you came to teach me lessons.  Real life changing lessons.
You taught me love.  Unconditional love.
You taught me patience.
You taught me joy.
But most of all,
you gave me the gift of motherhood.
And with that, a purpose.  A duty. A life.  Full of meaning.  And joy.
And as I reflect most on what makes me most proud,
is your pure heart.
And those moments that you show me your pure sweet heart are the moments I cherish most.
When you tell your friends to be nice to a boy who stutters.
When you panic because you can't see your brother in his class.
When you come home and express your deepest concern for a classmate who was whisked away in an ambulance.
When you say you have said many prayers in your head for her after I offer to say one.
When you want to lay with your brother because you know how he feels.
When you ask if your sister can get off time-out so you can console her.
When you say hi to and sit with a boy at school who doesn't look like the rest of your classmates.
The list goes on.
And the list will increase.
And that is what I look forward to most.
Is to watch this list get longer and longer.
Im so happy you have made the choice to be baptized.
And as you continue to make good choices,
you will continue to be a good example,
a humble leader,
with a pure heart.

I love you so much.

More than words can express.

Friday, May 17, 2013

is it worth it?

This is a picture I will cherish
As well as this one.

But this one...
it brings tears to my eyes.
This is my grandma.
Raegans great grandma.
And we are with her this day to learn piano.
we are with her this day for much more than just piano.
Because piano is only a short 15 minute lesson,
we are with her this day to soak her up as much as possible.
To give Raegan lasting memories of great grandma.
Who is truly great.
The life she has lived is evident in her sweet eyes and genuine smile,
in her worn hands and hunched posture,
but mostly in the simple yet powerful spirit she withholds and shares,
without judgement or prejudice.
She has lived a life of hard work
 and heart ache.
But what I value most
the most special gift of all...
her time.
So...is it worth it?
The 45 minute drive to provo?
Packing and unpacking the cargo?
When there are a-bajillion piano teachers within walking distance?


100% yes.

Aint it great...

...to be 8!!!

Here is Raegan, on the morning of her 8th birthday, receiving happy birthday wishes from afar.  Aunt Becca beat dad to it!  She is one happy gal:)

Favorite food: CREPES

At grandma Ardens...opening gifts.  The cousins beside her are definitely much more comfortable with being on the "stage"..."center stage" that is.
Rae would rather get stuck in a 10 foot hole than have everyone watch her open gifts...I guess she did come straight from my womb:)

**(aside from the beautiful gown below)**
As soon as she opened the soccer gear, she put it on and has worn it ever since.
She walked out the door to school the other day in it, and Shawn turns to me and says:
"I love it...just one the boys"
She truly is one of a kind...and I love it too. 

This is the gown.  What a masterpiece straight from a true 'labor of love'.
Grandma trudy is...
It is so beautiful.
A special post to come with more pictures of the beauty herself,
inside that beautiful gown:)

Presents from friends...

Mayci was a good sport...

And the build-a-bear crew:)  A really cute bunch of girls.
All in all, I think Raegan felt extremely special.
We went all out...in terms of "Farrah style all out" :)
She also got her ears pierced with the gang above...which happened to be great moral support.
Happy Birthday Rae!!!