Raegan had her 8th birthday this month. It was the first baptism in our family. And it was beautiful. We made it a really big deal here in our home, and her birthday took up pretty much a whole weeks worth of celebrations...but it was so worth it. I know she felt special. And for that, I am grateful, because she truly is. As I thought about what I might say about Raegan if my bishop were to call upon me during her baptism, this is what I had in mind:
Raegan. I don't know where to begin. As I thought of what I might say on this special day, I was overwhelmed with emotion and many many thoughts. You were my first born, and with the responsibility of a first born, you came to teach me lessons. Real life changing lessons. You taught me love. Unconditional love. You taught me patience. You taught me joy. But most of all, you gave me the gift of motherhood. And with that, a purpose. A duty. A life. Full of meaning. And joy. And as I reflect most on what makes me most proud, is your pure heart. And those moments that you show me your pure sweet heart are the moments I cherish most. When you tell your friends to be nice to a boy who stutters. When you panic because you can't see your brother in his class. When you come home and express your deepest concern for a classmate who was whisked away in an ambulance. When you say you have said many prayers in your head for her after I offer to say one. When you want to lay with your brother because you know how he feels. When you ask if your sister can get off time-out so you can console her. When you say hi to and sit with a boy at school who doesn't look like the rest of your classmates. The list goes on. And the list will increase. And that is what I look forward to most. Is to watch this list get longer and longer. Im so happy you have made the choice to be baptized. And as you continue to make good choices, you will continue to be a good example, a humble leader, with a pure heart.
I love you so much.
More than words can express.