Monday, July 22, 2013

Last Chance Lake again!

Its B.E.A.U.tiful there!
A skiers matter how amateur.

Ummm...really?!  A big screen movie to top a day of skiing.
Kid Heaven.

This here is camp.

And this here...
With turf.

And this is what we do here.
This is what SHAWN does here.

Pretty sweet camera action...thank you very much.

Did I mention my camera skills!?
And did I mention Shawns skills?!
We were both so giddy.
It was pretty pathetic:)

Go mom!
Lay it out!
Pretty sure this was the shot taken seconds before I turfed it hard.
Then I was done:)

Its so fun to hear my kids cheer me on...
and hopefully they can always remember that mom CAN do something:)

Even though my knees ache like no other after one round of skiing,
its worth it.
Ive decided since my condition can't get much worse, Im gonna do what I love and quit missing out!
I started a soccer league with some friends in my neighborhood and had my first 2 games and it was SO MUCH FUN.
I missed it.
And once again, although Im sore, its worth it.
To hear my kids yell for me and cheer me on.
Its worth it.

I really do want my kids to have memories of both me and Shawn doing the things we love.
I think its important for many reasons,
but mostly so they know that we aren't just a mom or just a dad,
but a human that has passions and dreams ALONG with being a mom and a dad.

And maybe it will keep them dreaming.
And help them find their own passions.
And live them out into old age :)


*no worries, kids did partake in some skiing and tubing of their own. pics coming soon*

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