Evan doesn't usually try and cross the monkey bars without Mom or Dad but this morning he gave it a shot while Raegan was watching. He let go but landed wrong and was screaming bloody murder. Shawn ran out and got him and he was hysterical. He couldn't walk but we thought he was being a little "wimpy". We got him dressed and he made it to Church for 2 hours. He dropped some play-doh in nursery and forgetting about his foot, he attempted to pick it up but just collapsed when he got off his chair. So Mom and Evan went to Insta-Care and got some x-rays. Nothing showed up as broken but the Doctor said sometimes fractures don't show up in young kids for a week. At least he got a cool splint from it and now we have to monitor his progress or lack thereof. Thumbs-up for the swingset!!!!
My poor little Ev Boy! Sad;( I hope he gets better soon! XOXO
Oh the girls are dying!!! Tell him we have lots of kisses coming tomorrow!! See you soon!
AHH!! oh my heavens...what a day! Poor little guy. Good thing scarlet is kind of a scaredy cat when it comes to monkey bars. hug that face!!
Hoping that all will be well. I recall a couple of ER experiences with his Dad, and I would say sounds like the kettle calling the pot black if you know what I mean. Or the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree:)
Forgot to say that most of our ER experiences were on Sunday too. What is up with that? Love you all
Oh, poor guy! I hope he gets better soon! That splint is pretty cool though! We missed you guys yesterday :(
i am dying. best picture award goes to evan. i could eat him.
i want to eat him too. i will see you thursday. call me and let me know what is up. love you guys. mom
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