But lucky us, it only lasted one month and now...I can't describe what an angel she is. She now sleeps 10 hours at night...consistently. I didn't know that was possible either (I kept her in my room thinking oh this will change, but ended up moving her to her crib and still hasn't changed)! And she just chills. Shawn said last night, 'she seems different than our other babies' and I said, 'what do ya mean' and he said 'she seems more...' and I finished 'chill!!!!' Yes, she is sooooo mellow.
I have heard from so many people who have 3 or more kids say their third was the best. I wonder if this has to do with the fact that you can't pick them up the second they squeak and they learn to adapt, but whatever it is, I am one of those parents who can claim the same about the third child. I was the third and my mom tells me I used to sleep like Mayci and that I was a really good baby...if I didn't know this I might think something is wrong with her, but look how I turned out...beautiful, funny, so smart... :)
Anyway, I could go on about this new little treasure, about how my heart swells when I hear her waking from her naps just so I can see her big beautiful smile cross her face once she see's mine, and how I still stare at all her little features in amazement at the pure innocence she holds, and how I try to comprehend the unmeasurable amount of trust my Father in Heaven has given me with His most precious gift. It's overwhelming.
As busy as life gets, I am doing my best to soak up my kids and the special time I get to spend with each one of them. Life seems to move so fast...I'm just trying to slow it down and enjoy each step because before I know it I will miss constantly picking up puzzle pieces, sippy cups, binkis, blankets, trucks, babies, blocks...and will miss folding footies, and onsies...and miss sweeping up crumbs under boosters and high chairs...and so on. I know this day will come so I'm gonna hold on for as long as I can to 'the now' and enjoy:)
Tune in for a few more posts I have comin...one in particular I've been thinking about writing for a while now so it won't be long till Im back!
Farrs, such a joy to have a joy. what a little doll. I love the pictures. mom
I miss little Mayci! You need to come visit a little...let's get together soon!!!
I could just eat her up! She is beyond precious and you're right...it goes soooooo fast and I HATE it! You are the best mom Farrs and soon, I'll be calling YOU to ask how it's done!! Glad we could spend a bit with you guys. Girls are already asking when we're heading back again. Thanks for taking us in and dealing with all the chaos. SOOO glad SLO found you :) Love you!
Brooke!!!! oh I just love that little Brooke. So cute!!
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