Things in the Olmstead home have been going well. Mayci has a funky sleep schedule but she's healthy and slowly changing patterns so we're ok. She is smiling a bit now and loving her swing. Grandma and Grandpa Trudy came to visit and spent a ton of time with us. Thanks so much to Trudy and Rick for hanging out and having fun and allowing us our first date without any kids in a long time. :) They drove out so they could take Kaya back with them to the sunny weather. We're happy that Kaya can have a California winter and go to the beach daily with Grandpa Rick. You can see what Raegan and Evan are up to this winter...whatever keeps them happy and occupied. This photo actually has a little story. When Shawn and I got home from the Jazz game, Trudy and Rick couldn't wait to show us the pictures of Evan in some princess dress-up. They couldn't stop laughing. Shawn told them that he was going to take Evan out the next day to get some batman or spiderman costumes. haha True story...next morning as Shawn and Rae are down stairs eating breakfast Raegan says she needs to go to the bathroom. Shawn tells her to listen for Evan and if she hears him to bring him down. 5 minutes later they both come down with Evan dressed as what he calls a Policeman dress-up. That kid will have you laughing all day. How can you not laugh just looking at them right now? Tonight he was back in his Policeman gear and Raegan was in her Tinkerbell outfit. They were doing "ring around the rosie" stuff and when they finished Evan looks right at Rae and says, "I love you Tinkerbell." hahahaha... Life is good!!!!!!!!!!!
TOO funny and TOO cute!!! We enjoyed our visit with you and your darling children last week! Maybe in 2010 we'll actually get down to your "new" house. How long have you been there now?!?!? love you guys!
SO cute! Thanks for the new update! Mayci is a doll and is getting those chubby cheeks that all your kids get...so cute! She doesn't look like Rae that much to me right now...they change so much! They are all so stinkin adorable that I want to squeeze them all!
Mom and dad showed us the pics when they were here. They were still laughing. Evan is so cute, he can get away with whatever he wants. And I can guarantee you that SLO did the same thing OR worse when he was little. 6 sisters....c'mon! Oh Mayci, look at those CHEEKS!! She is precious! Love you!
Oh, and I think Mayci is a mini-me version of her daddy!
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