There are certain days in our lives that we will always remember. Today was one of those special few. I don't think there are words to describe the feelings, thoughts and spirit present at the birth of a child. Truly Amazing!! Farrah and I were startled awake at 5:30am and asked to report to the Hospital by 6:15. The roads were very bad and so we arrived a little late. Things were done quickly to get Farrah situated. She had a wonderful nurse and our Doctors are studs!!! Baby came with no problems and quite fast. Typical Dad...yes I forgot the camera. Below are a few cell phone shots. I will post others when I have a chance. She weighed 6.7 and measured 18 inches. My first look at her I saw Raegan and of course tears flooded my eyes. She is BEAUTIFUL...just like her mother. She does not have a name right now. Rylee, Maycee, Gabrielle, Gabbi, Jayden...any suggestions??? We are truly blessed to have shared this sacred day with loved ones. Thanks to everyone that was there and came and said hello. Farrah will be in the hospital tomorrow and may come home tomorrow night but if you have a chance, stop in and say hello.
Okay, Shawn wow! I am impressed you wrote this ;) And when you sent me the cell phone pic I thought she looked like Evan, but then first glance at the blog, totally Rae! I wish I was there to hold her! She is seriously BEAUTIFUL. All the names are freakin adorable, I am of no help.
Glad to see the update so soon! Good job daddy! K, I will forgive you for "forgetting" the camera on a scheduled induction.....get some new ones up soon. We love her already, she is beautiful. We are split between Maycee and Gabrielle in our family. Can't wait to meet her and kiss her to death! Love you guys!
I am so happy to have another granddaughter. Tears filled my eyes as I read your blog, Shawn. The miracle of birth never gets old. The feelings are a treasure. No wonder I had seven children, I never wanted the miracles to end. She is adorable and does look like Raegan. Whatever you name her, I will love it. Give my love to my favorite daughter in law. And hug the kids for me. I wish I was there. Love you all, MOM
Congrats Farrah I'm am so happy for you guys. I'm also glad to hear that you and the baby are doing great.
congrats to you both! You have a beautiful family :) I hope all is well with baby girl and that Farrah is doing well. My love to you all!
WOW SHAWN... I am impressed. That was so sweet. That little baby of yours is a sweet heart. You guys are so great. I love your little family and am so glad I got to be apart of your special day. Thanks so much for allowing me to be there. Love you all and will be seeing you shortly! :)
Congratulations you two!! I am SO excited for you guys. I thought about you guys yesterday cause I knew she was coming. My vote for names is either Rylee or Maycee. I'm excited to meet her hopefully soon. And Shawn, I'm impressed you actually blogged. Good job!!
Congratulations....she is beautiful and certainly looks like her siblings. Please tell Farrah Mike and I are so happy for both of you.
Shawn, thanks for posting that! What a great dad! She is so beautiful and I'm so glad we got to share in the joys with you guys! Can't wait to find out her name :)
Oh so sweet. Farrah, even though your never really looked prego except maybe a kid's sized basketball under your shirt, you are a champ! Your kids are so freakin cute, I say have 8 more. Populate the world with more beautiful, well-rounded, stupidly athletic people! (Oh, and nice and hilarious, too.) Shawn, super cool post. We are very excited for you guys, and totally envious, too. (Now if Mike's work could only come up with insurance like BYU's:) Congrats you guys! We are so happy for you!
Oh, that was Tracie.
Now that my wife is done commandeering my Blogger account to comment on your post, this is the REAL Mike. Anyway, she's beautiful. I'm with Laci...I like Maycee and Gabrielle too. We are so happy for (and jealous of) you guys. Look forward to meeting the new addition soon.
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